Friday, August 6, 2010

The Custom Nation

I am generally not one to put people out. You won’t find me ordering things not on the menu. I cringe when I hear a customer ask their waiter to hold the normal house dressing, place the peppers on the side and, oh yea, is there any way to get that served cut into sixteen individual pieces each on its own chilled plate. Just order it the way they make it!

While I may not be one to put others out, I am a person who likes to give people exactly what they desire. Along this line of thinking – ever noticed the growing trend of customizable products available these days? Application of new technologies and advanced manufacturing processes allow consumers to get almost anything customized or personalized. From coffee mugs with personal pictures on them to cars designed particularly to individual automotive desires, consumers have customizable options on almost any product.

Now, to be accurate there are levels of custom. There is the Organic Custom which refers to getting an apple grown the way that best suits your personal preference. There is the Mini Custom, as in the name of the favorite pint sized vehicle, which refers to customizing a product within certain parameters or select options. Then there is the Short Run Pro Custom or the slightly longer name – Dude, What Are You Thinking!? Custom. This level of custom basically states that if you think it up and if it is humanly possible within production capabilities we will make it exactly as you think it. notes that “ization” is “a combination of ‘ize’ and ‘ation’”. I would suggest a slight adjustment - “ization” is the “appending of the word custom used by customers to get exactly what they want, when they want it, at their door step.” I think that works a lot better.

So here is a toast to the custom future – I raise a custom imprinted crystal fluted glass filled with organic champagne. Cheers to custom.

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